Tuesday 24 June 2014

Storytelling portfolio

Some weeks ago, I decided to create a portfolio for some of my newer digital illustrations. While I was deciding about were to put every illustration, I decided to make something different with this one. I know a portfolio should be simple and to show what you can do, your best works. Well, maybe I didn't make it THAT simple, but you can be sure I had a lot fun with it.

So, here is my "portfolio", or how I decided to call it, my "storytelling portfolio". I took some of my illustrations, which I used to create a "story" with them and a little of text. Not a real portfolio, but a silly, funny one!.

This one is interactive, you only need to click on every green "flag" to go to the next page (or to go back), till all animation is done :). I want to thank my sister for helping me with ideas to create this portfolio, and "to animate" it to post it in my blog. It was great to do something creative together after such a long time... we need to do it more we grew more and more exited about this little silly thing with each day!!

If you want to see it you can click the image above or here.

I will try to post something new here tomorrow, as this week I have a trip to the north of my country which is consuming my time... I hope once all this chaos is finished I can go back to my scheldule. In case I can't post anything tomorrow, see you next week!!

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